
Wedding styles vary from wedding to wedding. I believe a wedding style should reflect the bride and groom, and usually it tends to be more of the bride's vision in reality. This post will concentrate on the vintage styled wedding. It will give you some examples and ideas just in case this, too, is a style that fits you. A theme should be worked into each aspect of the venue. It is just the little touches here and there that will give a hint to the particular style. No need to overdo, just add some decor

Photo Credit:  SVS Creative Definition This blog wants to chat about the subject of a Boho wedding. I want to describe it and show pictures to prompt some ideas on how to express it.  Let me first state what it is.  Websters Dictionary wasn't much help as it kept referring to the location of Bohemia and those with a Czech dialect.  When Websters fails, then you go to Google.  Google states:  Boho style is a free-spirited aesthetic that mixes different cultures and artistic expressions into an eclectic style with an emphasis on organic elements and nature.  Photo Credit:  Kenney Photo boho characteristics *Mismatched colors and

Each wedding has a photographer who captures the details of wedding day through the eyes of their camera lenses. Each photo gallery produced tends to have a photo that is a collage representation of the wedding. This photographer's collage in essence is a one shot summary of the wedding. Photo Credit Above: Honeyroot Photo & Film The more details that you can include in this collage, the better. Each piece becomes a puzzle piece as you want to try to show the tidbits of influences from the specific wedding. Photo Credit: Allison Pedigro Photography It is

The Barn at High Point Farms has gone the whole year without a rained-out wedding ceremony. What an amazing streak! Rain is definitely a category of things that you cannot control, yet our location helps the odds with this senario. Outdoor weddings are "the thing." Most of the venues strive to provide outdoor space for the ceremony then inside space for the rest of the day. This way a bride can get it all; the beautiful scenery and natural light of outside plus the ambiance of indoor lighting for reception and beyond. It is the same

Eden Ingle Photo The Barn at High Point Farms is a bonafide Flower Farm. We are even registered with the Georgia Agriculture Department as part of their Agri-Tourism Industry. We have always had flowers but we have just kicked into high gear over these last several years. Having our gardens have many benefits. Andria Powers Photography The flowers are just part of our landscape. Our guests are greeted with our flowers. It just adds such beauty to our venue. There are flowers on all sides of our barn. Kenney Photo Kenney Photo And not just our barn, but