Caitlin DeLoach Photography Priority One Weddings are about true love and celebrating your vows with your most favorite people. Don't forget this. Don't let all of the extra details and logistics crowd this basic fact out. When you think of weddings, you don't always think of having fun at them though but you can. Whether you are the bride and groom wanting more fun during the day, or you are wanting to make sure you guests have fun, check out these suggestions to consider on how to make your wedding fun. This Part I starts with the choices from the Bride and
Each new year brings a list of new wedding trends. 2024 is no different. I think I have read 20 different blogs or posts from wedding vendors and industry influencers just to hear other people's perspectives. There are a few common threads between them all but a wide list of others that are not. Wonder why? I think it is because more and more brides are having their wedding "their way." Trends are not so synchronized due to that. Here is MY short list of trends gaining steam (more so than actually new) and a few trends that are disappearing. 2024
Wedding Planning Begins You are engaged. Officially, the wedding planning begins. With thousands of decisions to be made, one of the first ones is to decide whether you need an Event Planner or just a Day of Coordinator. An Event Planner or a Day of Coordinator, what is the difference? What Does an Event Planner Do? A wedding Event Planner ibasically serves as a project manager to your wedding. She will orchestrate and design the wedding logistics. The bride gives broad input on such topics as style, food preferences, and budget, then the Planner begins to methodically create the plan. With the overall
Caitlin DeLoach Photography Heritage flower gardens The Barn at High Point Farms could be jokingly called "Flowers-R-Us" because not only are we a flower farm but the flowers are part of our family heritage. When my parents first purchased the farm, my grandparents began bringing trees, bushes, perennials, and bulbs from their small farm to be planted here on this farm. Honeyroot Photo and Film These fuschia flowers are called Cock's Comb after the color of the rooster's comb (or wattle) under his beak. My mother was famous for these and shared the seeds with so many. They are show-stoppers and no surprise that
Wedding day is all about the bride and groom and their ceremony, right? Yes and no. It is certainly the priority of wedding day, but the logistics of all of the details and decisions require balancing priorities and budgets when it comes to decisions like whether you should use plastic or real dinnerware for your reception. The pros to using plasticware Cheapest Option: This is obviously the best reason to consider using plasticware for your reception. Fortunately, nowadays, there are many beautiful options for some eye-appealing plastic plates specifically. Whether with scallops or trimmed in gold, these plates will help the budget.Convenient: