Wedding styles vary from wedding to wedding. I believe a wedding style should reflect the bride and groom, and usually it tends to be more of the bride’s vision in reality. This post will concentrate on the vintage styled wedding. It will give you some examples and ideas just in case this, too, is a style that fits you.

A theme should be worked into each aspect of the venue. It is just the little touches here and there that will give a hint to the particular style. No need to overdo, just add some decor in several different places. The bride whose wedding is depicted above loved “all things antique” as well as what she referred to as “vintage farmhouse.” A touch of lace or doiley makes for an easy addition almost anywhere. I also added the vintage mirror and some vintage treasures.

Any time that I talk over decorating details with a bride and they mention “vintage style wedding,” I have to ask many more questions just to split the hairs to see what version of vintage that she is. Just in the same way that “Boho” has a variety of looks; some have a very neutral color palette while others are a colorful mix of textures, colors, and items; same with the vintage styled wedding. I few pictures go a long way. The brides’ pictures above loved teacups and tea pots and such. I have learned to be creative with this style but I love it! I certainly have the plethora of treasures to pool from and I like to craft a specific look according to my brides interest.

One certain fact about “vintage style wedding” is that each table will be in theme but unique from the other tables. It is not like you can go to Hobby Lobby and purchase 12 of the same vintage pieces. In fact, who would want to do that. At these weddings, it is not uncommon for the women guests to just meander the room to oooh and ahhhh over each table. Who wants your wedding to look just like everybody elses?

This next bride suggested “vintage style wedding” and since I knew she was a teacher, I added a touch of that influence too. How do you do that, you may ask? After more conversation, I knew what her colors were and that she loved candles and brass too. Adding the vintage books was a touch that the guests loved and it was “so just like the bride” as they would say. From a decorating standpoint, it helped to give some heigth to the table decor too. With my collection of vintage books, I was even able to keep within her color palette. Let me show a few more photos from her wedding.

I love working in whatever theme the bride happens to be on the welcome gift table. As guests arrive, they see it right off. I had a blast with this one as I pondered the ways I could infuse the vintage teacher items here with the lunch pale, vintage desk calendars, folding travel clock, globe, books, teacher desk bell, and even the clip board.

The Groom enjoyed wood working and he crafted this hand-made sign in for them to display in their house afterwards. I added my old rusty tool box, old tools, vintage yard stick, and swiped from my husband some very used leather gloves.

This wedding had a coffee station so I even added the vintage style wedding here too.

This bride liked “vintage style wedding with a garden influence” which was also fun to carry out.

The weather was perfect for this wedding to invite guests to move through the garden pathway towards our greenhouse so that sign in and gift area was beside our greenhouse. Perfect!

Even a photo display turned into a very detailed garden theme.

Even something as a simple as a sprig of rosemary on the vintage china (vintage plate and silverware, of course too) will accent the theme.

This next bride loved to go antiquing. She wanted as many antiques as I can infuse. She wanted a romantic style to her “vintage” look so this again, just adds a twist to the details.

Even on a dessert smorgasbord table was a grand display of not only my vintage dessert wares but lace and bits of vintage decor. What fun but it made for a beautiful display for all of those delicious desserts!

So I say to first “know yourself” and then begin the conversation. Fads come and go so do not feel as though you have to be cookie cutter because “just greenery” (for example) on the tables are trending. This is your wedding day and if you can have the accents reflect your interests, then go for it. Even if you don’t quite know how to label it; i.e. vintage boho or whatever, I would be happy to see if I can help make your dreams come true with a vintage styled wedding that suits you to a tee.
~ Margie