The Barn at High Point Farms

With the Dog-Days of summer in full swing, I wanted to reflect back to the Spring weddings here on the farm from earlier this year.  Spring technically begins in March and ends late June, but I would say that in the south, Spring ends early May.

Spring around the farm always brings more goats. That is always our Tell-Tell sign that it is truly here.

The grass becomes thicker and stronger as Winter is left behind and Spring takes on a strong-hold but it also takes on a neon hue.

In fact, those early budding leaves have that same rich color that just pops out visually in person or in a photograph.

The air is crisp, the sun feels good, and there is a general freshness everywhere.

The clouds come and go but they often make for amazing backdrops.

There are flowers blooming around the farm, veggies already growing in the garden, and clover taking over the fields.

Though Fall is our peak-season, these Spring weddings are so lucky and beautiful.

Looking forward to next Spring 2020 weddings!                      ~ Margie

Photo credits:  Christina Marie Photography, Tonya Damron Photography, Deedra Hughes Photography, Rileann Events, and Holt Webb Photography.

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