The bride prepping for the ceremony is a huge part of the wedding day tradition. Capturing photos of this sentimental time of transforming from a fiance’ to a bride is also very important. Let me share some of our favorite bride prepping photos with a bit of commentary so you can ponder your own plans.
For the brides who are lodging the night before with their bridal party, be sure and capture these moments too. Snuggling up on a bed with theirr matching robes and socks makes for an adorable photo and will remind you of all of the giggles you shared the night before the big day.
Once your hair and make up is set, take some photos. You will be surprised how beautiful these will be.
While you are primping, your photographer will carry your dress and find a place to hang it.
So many choices and so little time.

And remember, to include photos of your mom, when possible. You will always look back and cherish those moments.