The Barn at High Point Farms

petal toss at recessional

Tossing petals at the wedding’s end is a popular send-off method, but a growing trend is to toss petals at the bride and groom as they exit the ceremony during the recessional.    And – why not?  This is the true moment of the celebration versus the send-off.

luggage full of petals

No longer are the days of throwing rice at the couple as a sign of celebration.  Rice was dismissed years ago because it was often a hazard for birds.  Nowadays, it is throwing of petals and such.

dried organics for send off

With High Point Farms being an actual “flower farm” it makes creating these adorable petal cones easy and quite fitting.  Mixing bits of various color petals and even organics like herbs or rosemary is popular as well.

organics and petals to toss

Obviously if you are using the petals as a send-off at the night’s end, you will need a larger quantity of petals.  The other down-side to the send-off timing is it never quite photographs as well due to the night sky.  The new trend of tossing petals at the processional makes so much more sense.  Logistic wise, you only need cups of petals for the first one or two guests on the aisle. Being at a flower farm makes creating these baskets of petals to toss an easy and very appropriate option.

organics and petals for tossing

Another cute idea is to allow guests to participate in all of this fun.  Set up a table full of containers with various colors of petals, herbs, scents, and textures, and let guests collect their personalized cones for the toss.

petal toss sign

Make a cute little sign and let it be a memorable experience for your guests as well.

Isn’t this a fun idea?  What do you think?           ~ Margie

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