Part II showcases five more photos on our top pictures of 2023 -“Best of 2023 – Magazine Worthy Photos.” Let the roll-out begin.
First Photo for today by Weaver Media

Many times a black and white photo has a disadvantage when compared to a color photo, while occasionally it trumps over color. We never saw a color version of this shot for any side by side comparison, but the black and white version let the lighting effect showcase its assets. The way the light comes through her dress and veil creates that wow factor and the overall romantic vibe just made this an obvious pick.
Second By Sabrina Fattal Photo

What a magnificent tree and what a grand photo to be able to capture the very large bridal party plus the huge expanse of this tree. This is a winning combo.
Third is by Urso Photography

So much to like about this photo. The lighting effect is superb on this both in the background as well as all of the colors showing up in the creek water reflections. But to have a bold bride, beautiful as she is, to be willing to walk into the water always is a recipe for a truly unique and outstanding photo. Summer bouquet in hand and a giddy smile on her face make this one of our personal favorites.
Fourth in our line-up by Caitlin DeLoach Photography

The flower gardens are such an asset in these stand-out photos. Photographer Caitlin DeLoach gets the honor of having two photos in our Besties line-up which happens but not often. Kudos to her. This photo has all of the elements from the dahlias demanding attention, a beautiful bouquet, a stunning bride, the bride’s head looking off to the side, and even the mountain in the background. Many stunning photos in this bride’s gallery. I am hoping the photographer will submit this gallery. I can easily see these being picked up nationally.
Last shot for now by SVS Creative

These night photos are often very difficult to pull off but Sara at SVS Creative did this well. With the bride engaged in a romantic twirl with her dress swishing in the night air, this just creates a very romantic “fairytale princess” effect. This was the second photo by SVS Creatives in our Besties line-up and kudos to her for her talent.
Our last two photos in our Best of 2023 were our “Top Two Choices” while all of these others were in random order. Be sure and check both Facebook and Instagram to vote for which of the two you think is best. Both are superb and we have already used both on our website. Next blog will reveal the winner but voting will last till the weekend.