The Barn at High Point Farms

Each year I comb through all of the photos from all of our weddings (that have been submitted) to remember, to reflect, to even anguish over selecting what I consider my top picks of the year.  We are so awed by the talent of the photographers who come here to the farm.  Some are our regulars and some are first timers to the farm.  They all certainly do an amazing job as they showcase their bride AND make us look beautiful.  Thanks to all of our brides and photographers who shared their day and their photos with us. There is just something extra special about these photos – an angle, some photographic special effect, a portrait quality to them, the backdrop, the pose, just something creative that stands above the rest.  As you look through them – you can just imagine it showing up in a wedding magazine or some ad for jewelry or cologne…..oh how I wish that were true!  Here we go… no specific order of favor.         (P.S.  Feel free to to comment about which picture you like best!)

“Got My Truck – Will Travel” –  Wow!  Love this one from all sorts of angles.  Love turquoise – so wish I had a truck just like this for my own.  Kelsi is a stunning bride, indeed, but this pose makes her eyes look very melancholy…plus whether by design or by surprise, you can see Kelsi’s reflection in the rear view mirror too.                Caressa Rogers Photography

turquoise bride, vintage outdoor wedding, farm wedding

“Fields of Clover”     Jenny was our Bohemian free spirited type bride.  Her beautiful lace vintage dress was a true fit for her. We suggested to the photographer to head down in the field to take advantage of the field of red clover – a rare opportunity for the clover comes up thick, blooms quickly, then fades away.  This shot with Jenny’s contemplative pose and her vintage laced dress combined all into this awesome shot.                                          In His Image Photography

bride in clover

“The Heavens Proclaim”    This just seems like the ultimate barn wedding photo….it captures it all; Old barn wood, draped white curtains, lights twinkling in the background, old trolley doors, and an adorable bride and groom.  Now I will also say that the photographer certainly captured those magnificent clouds which makes this photo dazzle.          Heather Warnock Photography

by the tucker doors

“The Dress Awaiting The Bride”       I rarely pick a favorites that doesn’t show either the bride or the groom but this one is an exception.  It just seems so artistic.  Lots of colors going on and the vintage flair of the farmhouse comes alive.  The old mirrors hanging on the wall – with one of them capturing the reflection of our infamous “jersey cow” painting…and the distressed turquoise walls of the restroom somehow glow with the wedding dress hanging on the hanger – as if a spotlight were shining on the gown.  This should be an ad for a designer wedding dress boutique.                             Eden Luquire Photography

“Barn Wedding Venue”        Again – this shot seems to capture it all.  This taken in almost the same spot as the earlier photo but the angle is different – so is the bride, groom, and photographer.  This one includes our infamous hitching post and actually shows most of our venue name – always a plus when you need to advertise!  The time of year is a bit different too – showcasing all of that Queen Anne’s Lace flowers in the background and the full flower combinations around the hitching post poll too.                                                                                           Lindsey Edwards Photography

“Engulfed in the Sunflowers”     Brides love the sunflowers and if we could figure out how to have a field of them in bloom all wedding season – we would be tickled pink (tickled yellow?).  Megan and Brett just lucked out. The rich color of the sunflower blossom just captures the attention right off the bat.  Even the foggy glare to this picture just seems to highlight the flowers as they shadow the bride and groom’s kiss.  We are a farm wedding venue even more so than a barn wedding venue….and this certainly seems to shout “farm wedding.”

                                          In His Image Photography

“Pinterest Here I Come”      I am confident that if I post this picture on Pinterest – it will be forever pinned by upcoming brides.  This picture (and the whole gallery actually) should get picked up by one of those on-line wedding blogs.  This picture shows off not only a beautiful happy couple – but you can just tell that this couple had fun on their wedding day!  Kaitllyn’s infectious smile and Brennon’s suspenders & bowtie show off their relaxed attitudes.  With an antiqued tint to this picture and the wagon, quilts, and haybales to set the stage – this photo will win me plenty of “pins” for my collection.        Blue Vinyl Creative

“Gone With the Wind”        The vines on our Milk-house sure do put on a show even when not in bloom.  The draping vine gives this a whimsical garden effect right off, then add the contrasting red roof trim and the red door plus the bright white arched window – it sets the mood and the stage automatically for this bride and groom pose.  Letting her veil blow in the wind as the final amazing touch.  Kelley’s expression is darn cute too.

The Connections Photo

“Princess For A Day”    Each bride hopefully feels like a princess but often the flower girls feel like that as well.  I don’t remember the relationship between bride Christen with her beautiful flower girl but it must be a special one.  This photo photographic wise has a vintage tint to it….with the early spring greens in the background slightly diluted so that the details of the subjects can be highlighted.  This picture showcases a verb more than an action.  This bride is showing that caring attitude.  It exudes a sweetness about it…..where the brides shares the limelight.

Simmons Photography

“So I Can Kiss You Anytime I Want”        We have had some stunning vintage vehicles show up at our weddings this year and they all have made some memorable shots as my gallery will attest this year.  The angle of this shot again showcases a barn venue in the background with the lighting adding a blue hue to part of it – adding some needed color to this night time shot.  With some well placed spotlights – Jen and Mike’s kiss are well lit and become the main theme of the photo.  Classic automobile gets its just due but we all are drawn to the bride and groom making out in the back seat!

NB Photography

“Timeless”         Likely the same vehicle as before – this classic car is indeed timeless which is an easy symbolism for a wedding.  This photo actually showcases Beth and John’s wedding theme as well….it was truly an elegant and classy event.  This picture could easily be a wedding ring ad or a men’s suit…..the fall colors in the background add to the floral adorned automobile and Beth looks almost giddy.                                                   Imago Photography

Imago Photography

“Love Is In Bloom”         Same vine but twice each season – it blooms these beautiful dainty white sprigs that are so fitting for a wedding photo backdrop such as this.  All of the white blossoms add to the white wedding dress and Autumn’s extra long bridal veil.  This old vintage sofa that has begun to show wear and tear from all of its uses still puts on a show.  It sets the mood.  The barn red door and cow bell at some accent colors but again….the focal point is Evan kissing his bride.

Jacquie Rives Photography

Jacquie Rives Photography

“Who Will Smile First?”        It is not often that I pick as one of my favorites a photo of strictly the guys.  Why?  They just don’t make a knock out statement like a beautiful bride but when looking for photographic magic – I couldn’t help but be attracted to this shot of the guys – even with their somber faced pose.  This works again because of the unique combinations.  The barn backdrop helps (yep – I am prejudiced there…..) but you then have Joshua and all of his groomsmen.  It actually adds an interesting element in that they all come in different shapes sizes and heights.  If this was a staged photo shoot – I swear they would’ve looked for this sort of variety.  It adds a twist that the groom, Joshua, is in full suit but that his guys adorn their suspenders, bowties, and rolled up sleeves… this combination!  Throw in the magic again of those sunflowers….those well placed sunflowers as if they were Photo-shopped in but of course they were not.                                          Caressa Rogers

Caressa Rogers Photography

“Sneaking Off To the Garden To Kiss”        Wow….this should heat you up.  This perfect pose puts the light onto Autumn and Evan to where they look like they are glowing on the outside as much as they are on the inside.  The rich colors of the fuchsia Cox’s Comb flower on one side and the deep yellow Sunflower on the other….help to make this photo pop.

Jacquie Rives Photography

“On Top of the World”            We have these special places around the farm that we often suggest to our photographers so they can capture a whole new perspective.  This one puts you high enough above the farm that it takes on the feel of a totally different location.  With Lookout Mountain behind you as your equal – it makes you feel as though you are on top of the world.  The depth that it gives a photo is amazing!  Ken looks all dapper and poses like a pro.  Kelly has actually had some modeling experience and sets her stance very well for this shot.  It has sas and attitude somehow.

Cooper and Co Photos

“Beautiful From Behind”       Oh, to be young again when a photo from behind was as stunning as a photo from the front side!  Kennedy does this angle well.  The black and white version helps showcase the barn door slats – the beautiful veil and ruffled features of her wedding gown – her long curly hair – and Kennedy’s beautiful figure.  I see one or two of these done every year here and this one is one of the nicer ones – the effect, the pose of the hands and arms, and the tint of the outside all done with perfection.

Imago Photography

“In the Deep Depths of the Forest”      Photographer, John Shim has the knack of finding the most unimaginable spots around the farm to create the most incredible pictures.  Often times when the gallery is sent to me, it takes me a few moments to figure out where in the heck was he when he took this photo!  This particular angle and whatever funky technique he does to create this foggy backdrop makes it look like he has taken Chandler into the deepest corner of the forest.  The ivy climbing the tree and the crazy limbs of the cedar – all play into the theme here.  Chandler with her many maids in their many shades of blues all add to this soft woodsy chic (is there such a term?) picture.

John Shim Photography

“Red Hot Romance”     I have not even seen the full gallery yet of Becca and Phillip yet but this teaser photo definitely caught my eye from the get-go.  I do love these old vehicles….and this truck is a doozie for sure!  Love it.  It sets there by the garden to draw attention but it can’t quite hold a candle to Phillip grabbing Becca for a dramatic dip and kiss.  Between the truck – the pose – and the kiss – this photo is a definitely eye catcher.

Tiffany Beth Photo


  • Barbara Johnson
    January 3, 2016

    I am surprised you have not included the Dugan-Mullis wedding. That was one of the best weddings and the grounds and barn were beautiful.

  • Elly Vance
    January 4, 2016

    The Williams/Farnsworth wedding was indeed a magical experience. It was lovely from start to finish. The surrounding landscape was the perfect choice for this particular bride as she loves nature! The actual working farm atmosphere gives the guests opportunity to spend time reflecting on life with an old time flair.

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